


英语教学过程中要留意培育、辅导中、下等生,让他们能跟得上,打好基础。五年级英语教案在五年级英语老师的教学活动中具有不行替代的作用,你会写五年级英语教案?你是否在找正打算撰写“五年级英语教案人教版”,下面我收集了相关的素材,供大家写文参考! #700594五年级英语教案人教版1 学情分析:


结合本单元主题wild animals我确定了本节课的详细内容,从词汇和课文内容入手,进行引伸和拓展,使学生通过本单元的学习能介绍wild animal,用较通顺、较连贯一段话介绍某种野生动物。从而达到拓展学生的课外学问和综合运用实力的目的。 目标陈述:

通过学习jungle,zoo-keeper,peel等新词,以及what do they like? Where does i live? 等句型,理解关于动物的短文,并依据自己的学习状况来描述一个动物。同时渗透爱惜自然,爱护动物的德育思想。 重点难点:

学会有依次地描写一个动物。 教辅用品:

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tape records flash PPT 教学目标:

1. Learn the words : wild, peel, zoo-keeper, jungle, Learn the sentences: Where does it live? What does it like? 2. Learn to describe a kind of wild animals.

3. Try to stimulate the students’ interests of English. 重点难点:

Try to describe a kind of wild animals more orderly. 教学打算:

tape records flash PPT 教学过程:

I. Pre-task preparations 1、 jungle

2、 play a game: Wild animals Farm animals 5. a rhyme Watch a viedo T:Can you tell me what is the name of this book? (read:jungle)

Tongue Twister T:The large giraffe is jumping in the jungle. T :Talk about what animals can you see in the jungle? S1: We can see pigs. S2:We can see dogs

T :Talk about what animals can you see

通过观看森林王子的 预报片,更直观的了解 丛林。了解自然。

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通过一个嬉戏,探讨农村动物和野生动物的 区分,引出野生动物的概念。on the farm? S1: We can see tigers. S2:We can see pandas. II. While-task procedures Passage one . Passage two Passage three 1 Listen and answer

T :What colour is the monkey?

S: It is black. T :Is it big or small? S: It is big

T :What colour is the monkey? S: It is black.

T :Does it have long arms and long legs? S: Yes,it does 2 Judge with T or F

1)The monkey doesn’t have long arms or legs. 2) The monkey can climb to the top of the cage. 3) It has a pink face.

4) The monkey can swing on the rope.

通过听力引出第一段, 然后通过短文推断。最终让学生进行探

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讨,让同学们自己总结出其 他动物的特点。

通过半开放性的问题,进行探讨,让同学们自己总结出饲养员的工作。 通过一首诗歌,让同学 们进一步巩固所学学问,活跃课堂气氛。 进行德育教化,让学生 们知道不能随意喂动 物错误的食品,要爱惜 动物,我们是挚友。

让学生进行探讨,让同学们总结出全部野生动物身上的特点。 5) The monkey is big and brown. 3 look and say

T: Can you say something about other animal? 1)learn: zoo-keeper 2) ask and swer

T:What do the zoo-keepers do for the animals?

T:What animal does this zoo-keeper feed? Does he like the baby monkeys?

T:Can you say something about the zoo-keeper? 3)describe the Zoo-keeper

Answer the questions T:Read the passage . Then answer the questions.

S1:What do they like? S2:at don’t they eat? S3:What is this monkey doing?

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S4:How is the monkey now?

S5:Can you feed the monkeys sweets?

Read a poem Eating bananas Bananas, says the monkey, Are what I like to eat, And if my hands are busy I can peel them with my feet.

Mae some notices: Love the animals. Don’t feed them the wrong food. We are friends.

look and say Look at these animals. They have _______. _________________ They can _________. _________________. They like _____. They do not eat _____. We can’t feed them _____. We can feed them________. III. Post-task activities Make an interview(采访) Homework:

1.Passage reading: Pandas 2.Choose one animal and write.

Reporter(记者): Good morning, Mr Tang. Zoo-keeper: Good morning.

Reporter: Can I ask you some questions? Zoo-keeper:Sure./Of course.

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Reporter: What animal do you like? Are they …? Do they have…? Can they…? Do they like…? Where do they live?

通过一段记者与动物 管理员的采访对话,进一步活跃课堂气氛,巩固所学的学问点。


其次,让学生选择一样自己喜爱的动物进行描述。 Zoo-keeper: …。

Reporter: Thank you very much. Zoo-keeper: You’re welcome.

Answer the questions: Where do the pandas live? What do the pandas live on?

What colour are pandas? What do the pandas like to do? How do you think of pandas?

There are not many pandas in the world now. Why? T:Please choose one animal and write. #6101083五年级英语教案人教版2 教学内容:

1、 词汇:shape circle square diamond rectangle triangle star heart.

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2、 句型

(1)What shape is the??It’s a/an? (2)Show us how to? 教学目标:

1、学问目标:能听懂、会说、会读单词shape circle square diamond rectangle triangle star ,并学会询问他人各种图形及其回答的句型。

2、实力目标:能运用所学句型与他人沟通。 3、情感目标:在活动中培育学生的学习爱好。 教学重点:

1、认读、拼法和运用表示各类图形的词汇。 2、运用所学词汇及句型谈论或介绍自己的卧房。 教学难点:

1、能正确运用表示图形的词汇。 2、能用一段话介绍自己的卧房。 教具打算:

打算各种类型的三角形图片数张。 教学过程: Step1 Free talk

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Yuan.

T: First, let’s play a game, I say you do. Touch your head/

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eyes/ mouth/ back/ foot/ heart.


Step2 Presentation and practice 1、教学单词:heart shape star (1)师生对话,引出单词heart

T: Boys and girls, look! My heart is here,(老师作手势),can you tell me where’s your heart? S1(仿照老师说): My heart is here.?

(2)T: What shape is your heart? It’s a heart. 说明:heart几可以指心,也可以指心形。

教授shape,由grape的发音引出shape的发音,知道学生读。 T: Show us how to a heart.老师说明


(3)Show some words: ———— to read it) 请部分同学读单词。

T: We can see many stars in the sky in the evening. Can you guess what does “star” mean? Ss: (思索作答)星星。 T: What shape is the star? S:(试着回答) It’s a star.

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说明:star 既可以指星星,也可以指星形。 T:Where can we see stars? S1: We can se stars in the sky.

S2: We can see stars in our exercise books.?

T: Show us how to draw a star.(请一位同学上黑板) 设计意图:由语音引入,利用谜语引导学生自主说出相关单词及句型,并能从生活中找寻图形。这一步骤旨在培育学生自主探究的学习实力,并让学生体验学习胜利的喜悦。

2、教学单词:triangle rectangle square diamond. (1)出示自制小三角形

T: Boys and girls, what shape is it? It’s a triangle.(教学triangle)。 In our life, what is triangle? S1: My ruler is triangle.

S2: The sandwich is triangle.? T: I’ll show you how to draw a

triangle.(在刚才画的基础上再画一个三角形) (2)出示两张三角形

T: What shapes are they? Ss: They’re triangles. T: Look, Two triangles can be a rectangle.(图形拼成一) 教授 diamond square


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设计意图:利用拼凑的方法呈现这四个单词,让学生在感观上能清晰相识各种图形,同时,学生在操练时能自己自由拼凑,培育了学生的动手实力和语言表达实力,激发了学生用英语沟通的爱好,也让学生在操练时有话可说,有话能说,避开了枯燥的操练。 3、 教学单词circle

T: (利用简笔画,边说边画圈):Look! This is Helen’s house. Helen is at home. Do you know what is Helen doing? Ss: She is cooking.

T:Very good. We can guess from three circles. 教学单词circle

设计意图:通过学生感爱好的简笔画直观呈现圆,符合 学生认知水平与特点。

4、Introduce the shapes in your bedroom. 老师供应一模板

This is my bedroom. Look! I have a clock. It’s red. It’s a ?

I have a desk. It’s ? It’s a ? There are some balls. They’re ? (斜体字可替换)


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#6101082五年级英语教案人教版3 教材分析:

本课是牛津小学英语5A第七单元第一课时,主要围绕日常生活绽开教学,进一步复习以前所学的单词,同时通过新单词教学巩固现在进行时的陈述句。教学一般疑问句和确定、否定回答的句型。教学中运用电子白板课件,设置情景,有效地把单词和句型,情景相结合,注意听说读写练习,并培育学生正确的语音、语调和口感, 使学生能够进行简洁的沟通,并能达到敏捷作用,培育学生学习的爱好。 教学目标:

依据小学生英语新课程标准所提出的总目标,以及学生的整体相识水平,从学问教学、实力培育等方面考虑,我确立本课时的教学目标为 学问目标

1、驾驭单词、词组newspaper, picture book, magazine, chess, card, yo-yo, play with…


Are you ____ing? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

Is he/she ____ing? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. Are they ____ing? Yes, they are. / No they aren’t. 3、归纳现在进行时的一般疑问句、否定句、特别疑问句的基本用法。

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2、能依据供应的情景,娴熟运用现在进行时相关句型进行操练。 情感目标


2、通过分层练习,激发了学生的攀比心理,提高学生答题的主动性。 重点难点:

1、驾驭单词、词组newspaper, picture book, magazine, chess, card, yo-yo, play with…

2、正确运用现在进行时的一般疑问句及其应答。 教学打算:

白板教学课件,溜溜球一个,单词卡片,作业纸等,课前把学生分成四小组 教学过程:

Step1 .Pre-task Preparation 1. Free talk

2.Sing a song “What are you doing?”

(设计意图:通过Free talk和唱英文歌What are you doing? 既复习了现在进行时,又自然过渡到下一个新授环节。) Step 2 While- task Procedures

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Activity1: 由歌曲引入句型 Is he…?/ Is she…?

1、T: According to the song, what is Nancy doing? Is she watching TV? Ss: Answer.

2、T: What is Mike doing? Is he reading? Ss: Answer. 3、Guessing game:

A.T: What is LiuTao doing? You can say: Is he…? S: Guess.

B. T: What is Yang Ling doing? You can say: Is she…? S: Guess.

Activity2: 教学句型 Are they..? play cards T: Show another picture, ask: What are they doing? Ss: Guess.

T: Lead to the phrase: play cards

(设计意图:这个环节主要通过“猜一猜”的嬉戏,让学生依据提示,充分运用一般疑问句Is he/she…?Are they..? 来参加嬉戏,由此引出新授句型和词汇,学生学得轻松自然。) Activity3: 教学play chess /play with a yo-yo 1、呈现图片替换练习play__________

2、Show the picture and teach “play chess”

3、Ask the Ss to do pair work with the structure “Are they…?

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4、T: (呈现部分狗的图片) What’s the dog doing? Ss: 揣测: Is it…?

T: Yes/ No. 结合回答呈现词组play with a yo-yo.

(设计意图:让学生先通过复习play…词组,自然过渡到play chess, play with a yo-yo, 发挥了学生学习的主动性,同时结合趣味性的图片,提高了学生学习英语的主动性)

Activity4: 教学词组read a picture book/ read a newspaper /read a magazine

1、T: I like playing with yo-yos. What else do I like? I like reading picture books. Show the picture, present the phrase: read a picture book 2、学生看图做替换练习。

3、According to the picture, what is he doing?/What is she doing?

Help the Ss answer “ read a newspaper / read a magazine” (设计意图:这一环节主要运用了白板的垃圾桶工具,在学生看图说完一个词组后,逐个导入新授词汇。既体现了学生的主体性,老师的主导性。)

Step 3. Post-task Activities Activity1: Part C

1. 归纳现在进行时的一般疑问句的用法Is he/she…。Are

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they…?Are you…?

2. Show the pictures from Part C , ask Ss to work in pairs. (设计意图:运用白板的删除功能,在学生回答后,逐个点击绿色横条,显示归纳的语法学问。为学生操练句型降低了难度。) Activity2: Summarize 1. 总结现在进行时的用法。

2. Exercise(分组练习,比一比那组驾驭得好) 用所给单词的正确形式填空 按要求改写句子 阅读短文 看图说话

Activity3: Check the answers.

( 设计意图:运用分组练习,激发了学生的攀比心理,提高了他们的答题主动性) Activity4: Fun time Watch a cartoon .

(设计意图:此处以趣味盎然的动画来缓解学生一节课后的疲惫,同时也能持续他们学习英语的主动性。) Step4. Homework 1. 阅读E部分的小故事

2. 依据看图说话,写一篇小短文“After lunch”


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进行操练,初步培育他们的阅读、写作实力。) 板书设计:

Unit 7 After school

Is he/ she _ing? Yes, he/she is. play cards No, he/she isn’t. play chess #700592五年级英语教案人教版4 单元教学目标: 1、 实力目标:

(1) 能够简洁描述自己老师的体貌特征及性格特点,如:We have a new

English teacher. He’s tall and strong. He’s very funny. (2) 能够询问并介绍学校里老师的状况,如:Who’s your English

teacher? Mr Carter .He’s from Canada. What’s he like? He’s tall and strong.

(3) 能够听懂一些描述人物特征的简洁对话,完成学生用书中的Let’s try 部分。

(4) 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My New Teachers”.能够敏捷替换歌词中的

科目及表示人物特征的形容词。 2、学问目标

(5)理解A、B部分Read and write 中的会话,并依据提示填充

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句子或 回答问题。

(6) 听、说、读、写A、B部分Let’s learn 和Read and write 中的四


a) 理解Let’s start、Let’s find out、Let’s sing、Let’s chant 和Pair work 等部分的内容。

b) 了解Pronunciation部分的字母组合在单词中的发音,并能娴熟读 出例词。

c) 了解Task time 、Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 (7)情感、策略、文化等有关目标:

a) 情感看法:依据小学高年级阶段学生的特点,引导他们在英语学习


b) 学习策略:学习过程中留意培育学生合作学习的看法和方法,有效

利用学生用书中设计的Pair work 、Group work、Talk and draw 以及Task time部分,培育学生合作学习的意识。

c) 文化目标:了解中西方国家在称呼人名上的不同习惯。

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第一课时A Let’s start Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s find out

其次课时A let’s try Let’s talk Let’s chant C Good to know

第三课时A Read and write Pair work C Story time 第四课时B Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s sing 第五课时B let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Task time 第六课时B Read and write Talk and draw Pronunciation Let’s check

#700593五年级英语教案人教版5 教学目标:


(1)驾驭生词: lay , caterpillar , become . (2)读懂语篇,学习蝴蝶的有关学问。 2. 过程与方法目标



培育学生酷爱自然的美妙情感;激发学生的探知热忱,让学生体验合作的开心,培育学生的创建力与想象力以及跨学科学习的实力。 教学重点:

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帮助学生读懂语篇。 教学难点:

使学生能用英语讲解并描述蝴蝶的生长过程以及介绍蝴蝶的有关学问。 教具打算:

课件、录音带、蝴蝶蜕变过程视频 教学过程: 一、 自主式导读 Warming up:

T: Nice to meet you ! Do you like insects ? Which insect do you know?

Ss: ants, ladybirds, flies, butterflies…

T: Among all the insects, which one is the most beautiful? S1: Butterflies.

T: Yes , butterflies are one of the most beautiful insect in the world. I have some pictures about butterflies . Do you want to have a look ?

In this lesson we are going to talk about butterflies. 板书课题Module4Unit2 Butterflies(学生齐读课题) 出示学习目标:(齐读学习目标,明确本节课的学习目的) 1、我能听所读写单词: lay , caterpillar ,become . 2、我能读懂语篇,学习蝴蝶的有关学问。

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T: Do you known how about a butterfly grows ?Let’s watch a video together ! Ss: Ok !

T: It’s so magical !Do you want to talk about it by yourself ? Ss: Yes .

T: You shoud rely the teaching outline to learn the text . 导学提纲

Where does a butterfly lay eggs? How are the eggs? What do the eggs become? What do they eat?

What does this big and fat caterpillar make? What colour is it?

It opens, what comes out? How about it ? What makes it dry? 学生自学

通过导学提纲的引领仔细阅读文本内容,将导学提纲中出现的问题及生词勾画出来。 二、互助式解疑

以小组形式,组员分别提出自己的困惑,小组探讨解决。 Ss:小组活动解决生词、及导学提纲里提出的问题。由小组长负

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T: 在学生合作学习的同时刚好给于肯定的帮助,引导让学生思维都动起来。 三、探究式点拨 师生探讨

1、Play the tape and tell the students to listen to the tape carefully .

2、Please answer the questions .

3、Read the sentences to introduce the growth of a butterfly..让学生读句子,介绍蝴蝶的生长过程。 四、强化式拓展

1.依据板书重新回顾本课的重点内容:A butterflies lays eggs .The eggs become small caterpillars.

The caterpillar makes a house .It is a cocoon .The cocoon opens . A butterfly comes out.

2.Please study hard you can be a beautiful butterfly one day.


制作有关昆虫的资料册、手抄报 英语教案

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