专利名称:Delivery device
发明人:Gregory J. Rajala,Daniel James Heuer,Steven
Craig Gehling
摘要:An applicator for introducing a therapeutic substance into a body cavity of asubject in need of the therapeutic substance is provided. The applicator has the look andfeel of a conventional tampon applicator but delivers a therapeutic substance. Generally,
the applicator has a first outer member having a shape suitable for insertion into a bodycavity of a mammal and has a dispensing end and a second end distal to the dispensingend. A second inner member is coaxially and slidably housed within the first member suchthat one end of the second inner member is within the first member. The applicator ofthe present invention also has at least one aperture located in a side wall of the outermember. The aperture is located on the side wall of the outer member between thedispensing end and the second end of the outer member.
申请人:Gregory J. Rajala,Daniel James Heuer,Steven Craig Gehling
地址:Neenah WI US,Fremont WI US,Cumming GA US
代理人:Ralph H. Dean, Jr.,Sebastian C. Pugliese, III,Bryan R. Rosiejka