发明人:Everett H. Benson申请号:US05/625511申请日:19751024公开号:US04012930A公开日:19770322
摘要:A lock device comprises a cylindrical container securable by split clamps to theframe of a device, and is adapted to store a case- hardened chain. The container has\"pass-and-catch\" notches at one end for receiving penultimate links of the chain, whenthe chain is used to lock a device. The container is closed by a lockable cap, which closesthe upper ends of the notches to anchor the chain ends. The entire accessible portion ofthe structure, including the clamps, the container, the cap, and the chain, is of case-hardened steel. The clamps are secured to the container by tamper proof fasteningelements. A preferred embodiment includes a container and a lockable cap havingsplining tongs formed from the rim portion thereof, and has clamps secured to a bicyclepost by tamper proof bolts. The rim of the container is bent over at opposite sides toform keeper portions under which ends of a lock-controlled latching bar may be moved.
代理机构:Klarquist, Sparkman, Campbell, Leigh, Hall & Whinston