专利名称:Dual-band dual-polarized antenna array发明人:Carles Puente Baliarda,Jaime Anguera
Pros,Carmen Borja Borau
摘要:The present invention refers generally to a new family of antenna arrays thatare able to operate simultaneously at two different frequency bands, while featuringdual-polarization at both bands. The design is suitable for applications where the two
bands are centered at two frequencies fand fsuch that the ratio between the largerfrequency (f) to the smaller frequency (f) is f/f<1.5. The dual-band dual-polarizationfeature is achieved mainly by means of the physical position of the antenna elementswithin the array. Also, some particular antenna elements are newly disclosed to enhancethe antenna performance.
申请人:Carles Puente Baliarda,Jaime Anguera Pros,Carmen Borja Borau
地址:Barcelona ES,Vinaros ES,Barcelona ES
代理机构:Jones Day