专利名称:Compensated oscillator circuit for charge
发明人:Xin Guo申请号:US10358498申请日:20030204公开号:US06888763B1公开日:20050503
摘要:A charge pump oscillator circuit with compensation for variations in process andoperating environment. The charge pump oscillator is designed with a rolloff
characteristic that enables operation at both weak and strong process corners without
excessive power consumption. Composite resistors in the oscillator circuit are composedof component resistors that are fabricated with different processes, e.g., implant anddeposition. The resistance of the composite resistor is thus in order to providecompensation for variations in processing and operating environment. The compositeresistor may be used as a feedback loop resistor, or may be used as a source degenerateresistor to control the supply current to the oscillator.
申请人:Xin Guo
地址:Mountain View CA US