
Procedure for controlling the enumeration of the a


专利名称:Procedure for controlling the enumeration

of the absolute count of cells or otherparticles present in a sample

发明人:Orfao De Matos Correia E Vale, José Alberto申请号:EP02380032.9申请日:20020211公开号:EP1236992B1公开日:20040714

摘要:Procedure for controlling the enumeration of the absolute count of cells (orother particles) present in a sample. The procedure consists of the following: to prepare,in known quantities and proportions, a mixture or stock solution of two or more

populations of reference particles of differing characteristics; to add a known quantity ofthis mixture of reference particles to a known volume of the sample which contains thecells (or other particles) to be counted; to measure, in a flow cytometer, the samplecontaining both the cells (or other particles), the events of which are to be counted, andthe mixture of different populations of reference particles; to calculate the absolutenumber of cells (or other particles) present in the sample to be counted and; to checkthat the proportion between the different reference particles present in the samplemeasured concurs with the proportion that exists between them in the initial mixture orstock solution which contained the different populations of reference particles prior toadding it to the sample.




代理机构:Davila Baz, Angel

