专利名称:Method and apparatus for cooling
electronic components
发明人:Gregory W. Pautsch,Adam Pautsch申请号:US12356020申请日:20090119公开号:US07757497B1公开日:20100720
摘要:A spray cooling system includes a spray delivery device and a cooling liquiddelivered to the spray delivery device. The spray delivery device includes one or moreinlet apertures and one or more corresponding outlet apertures, at least one pair of
inlet aperture and corresponding outlet aperture being positioned relative to each so asto form an asymmetric non-uniform density full-cone spray pattern.
申请人:Gregory W. Pautsch,Adam Pautsch
地址:Chippewa Falls WI US,Madison WI US
代理机构:Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A.