Preliminary Specifications
X-ray Beam Energy
The nominal peak beam energies are 9 Mev and 15MeV.
X-ray Beam Dose Rate
The dose rate is specified at one meter from the target,on the central axis, for one minute (Gy/min-m):9 MeV15 MeV12-36 Gy/min-m40-120 Gy/min-m1.3
X-ray Field Size
Beam and field size are based on the collimatorspecified by the customer.
X-ray Beam Flatness
Dose rate flatness as a percentage of the central axismeasured at ±6º off the central axis.9 MeV15 MeV55%45%1.5
X-ray Beam Symmetry
The beam asymmetry does not exceed 5% at ±6°offthe central axis in the vertical direction.
X-ray Beam Stability
Dose variation is within ±10% after the first 10seconds of beam on time. Use of reference detectorrecommended.
X-ray Beam Focal Spot Size
The focal spot size does not exceed 3.0 mm in
diameter for both energies. Consult factory for smallerspot size requirements.
Radiographic Quality
The system will demonstrate at least ASTM E 94-4 1-2T, or equivalent, sensitivity in steel at:9 MeV15 MeV76 mm (3\") to 254 mm (10\") to 254 mm (10\")460 mm (18\")Specifications subject to change without notice.
General ArrangementHorizontal Operation
Leakage Radiation
Average leakage radiation over 100 cm2at 1 meterfrom the target outside of the primary beam will notexceed 0.1% of the central axis dose rate.
The K15 high-energy photons produce significantneutron radiation. This neutron production must beconsidered in plant building design. Special K15shielding limits the neutron leakage to approximately0.1% rem/X-ray rad in the forward cone from ±60°to±90°, and 0.01 rem/X-ray rad in all other directionsoutside the primary beam.2.3
Cabinet Enclosures
All system components including the X-ray head,modulator cabinet, and the temperature control unitare contained within grounded metal enclosures.
Source Description
Linatron Power: 45 KVA at 50 or 60 Hz
400 VAC 3-phase, 3 wire plus neutral plus ground (5 wire system), 65 Amp, with ≤5% voltageregulation
TCU Power: 26 KVA at 50 or 60 Hz400 VAC 3-phase @ 50 Hz or
460 VAC 3-phase @ 60 Hz4.0Cooling and Ventilation4.1
Indoor Service
The room temperature for all equipment (exceptTCU) must be between 5°C (41°F) and 35°C(95ºF) with maximum RH of 90% (non-condensing).
The standard Temperature Control Unit mayoperate inside or outside at temperatures from -10°to +40°C. A low temperature option allowsoperation to -40°C.
The power to see everything1989...This picture of the Linatron L6000,from the cover of the 1989 MaterialEvaluation Buyers’Guide,demonstratesVarian’s long-standing commitmenttoprovide the mostpowerful and reliable radiography equipmentavailable.2005...NewK-Series LinatronBuilding on years of solid performance,Varian introduces the Linatron K15 as a more powerful successor to theLinatron L6000.The same principles ofquality and reliability are combinedwith the latesttechnology to provide unsurpassed performance at15 MV.When it comes to testing for material integrity, place yourtrust in a company renowned for leading-edge technologywith a track record spanning over 35 years. Varian’s
Linatron®K-Series gives users the power to inspect every-thing from automotive parts and castings to rockets andaerospace products. Look to Varian for the new generationof high-energy linear accelerators—and experience qualitywithout compromise.
For more information, contact:
Varian Medical Systems, Security & Inspection ProductsLas Vegas, Nevada
tel: 702.938.4859, fax:
Linatron is a registered trademark of Varian Medical Systems