
Syllabus of International Business Communication2008


Syllabus of International Business Communication& International

Business Etiquette 2011

Title: International Business Communication and International Business Etiquette Year: Spring 2011 Instructors: Tang Huili Office:G402

Course Description: This combined course, which covers a great variety of subjects selected from different sources in different occasions of business communication, intercultural business communication and business etiquette, is designed to help students getting familiar with the fundamental ideas on communication, culture, business, business communication, intercultural business communication, the role of the languages plays, international

negotiation and business etiquette. The idea is to provide the students all sorts of related information that will enable them to move about in the business arena with confidence; to help them to make effective and successful communication cross cultures in the business world; to

face daunting situations armed with the knowledge that, whatever the outcome, they can manage the complicated communication and behaved properly through it all. It also will help the students to learn to develop their analysis and reference skills so that they may be able to think independently, work on their own and solved the problems they might encounter in the future business career..

Text Book: No fixed one

Required Text: Reference Books.


Business Communication Essentials,

Courtland L.Bovee, John V.Thill, Barbara E. Schtzman

Pearson Education and Ren Min Press 2005

2. Business and Administrative Communication (6th Edition)

Kitty O. Locker

China Machine Press 2005

3. Business Communication

Xu Xianguang

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2001

4. edition)

Business Communication Process and Product( second

Mary Ellen Guffey

DUFEP and Thomson Learning Press 2001

5. The Complete Idiot’s guide to Business Etiquette

Mary Mitchell, John Corr

A Pearson Education Company

6. International Business Culture

Charles Mitchell

ShangHai Foreign Language Education Press 2000

7. 国际商务礼仪


中国商务出版社 China Commerce and Trade Press 2003

Course Requirements:

1. Regular class attendance is required. Three absences, whether excused or unexcused, will lead to failure in this course. ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be taken every class. You are expected to attend every class. If you are absent, you must provide a written excuse and any documentation (e.g. a doctor's note or instructor’s permit). Any student who is absent more than THREE times (which is equivalent to 6 regular class meetings), receives a failing grade (F Grade). A consistent pattern of lateness will also negatively affect your final grade. FIVE points will be subtracted from your whole grades due to your lateness.

2. Tardiness is discouraged. Three tardy appearances equal one absence. Eating is not appropriate in class. Neither is walking in and out during class time. Chatting on non-class related topics in class is not allowed.

3. Productive participation, good preparation, and courteous behavior in classroom will help you improve your final grades.

4. Academic honesty is required. Failure to comply with school policy will result in a grade of zero, and the person(s) concerned will have to bear other consequences as well. Grading System:

If the course requirements are met, your final grade will consist of 1) in-class participation20% & attendance 30% 2) Final Case Presentation and Report 50%


Date Agenda

1. Outline Introduction to the course and Color-the personality test2. (Business) Communication

3. Culture and business

4. Role of language in IBC

5. Intercultural/international communication and negotiation

6. 5 ways of communication … 8 tips to inspire positive attitudes

7. Succeeding trough effective communication

8. Greetings and introductions

9. Etiquette in business world+ job interview

10. Telephone etiquette

11. Etiquette in Arena: at office

12. Business attires and accessories

13. How we communicate +7 body language killers

14. Email etiquette

15 Planning, writing and completing oral presentations


1. The last two classes is for final exam.

2. The class will be adjusted according to some changes or requirements.
