


My Thoughts on After-School Tutoring Classes

Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm a 13-year-old boy in the 8th grade. Today I want to share my honest thoughts and feelings about after-school tutoring classes, also known as cram schools. This is a pretty big deal for kids my age where I live. First off, I have to admit that I really don't like going to tutoring classes after my regular school day. I absolutely dread that extra time stuck in a classroom! By the end of the normal school hours, I'm usually exhausted and ready to go home, play video games, watch TV, or just hang out. The last thing I want is more schoolwork and lessons!

But my parents insist that I attend extra math and English classes in the evenings. They say it will help reinforce what I've learned and give me a head start on upcoming topics. I get that they want me to do well in school, but it's really tough having so little free time. I feel like I never get a break from academics! The tutoring centers are kind of like intense workout sessions, but for your brain instead of your body. The teachers go very fast and cram in as much content as possible in a short time. We have to do loads of practice questions and worksheets,

which is pretty boring if you ask me. It's basically an extension of regular school, but evenmore intense.

I have friends who take tutoring classes in multiple subjects like math, English, science, and even electives like computer programming. Their evenings and weekends are completely packed with back-to-back sessions. I think that's way too much – we're just kids! We need time to relax, play, and be creative without constant academic pressure.

Not gonna lie, the workload from tutoring can be really stressful at times. There's so much content to master and it feels like a never-ending cycle of new topics. I start worrying about keeping up and doing well on all the practice tests they give us. That anxiety definitely isn't good for my mental health as a young teen.

On the other hand, I do understand why my parents put me in tutoring – they have high hopes for my future career and want to give me every opportunity to reach my full potential. The extra classes give me a focused environment to really buckle down and solidify my knowledge in core subjects. The tutors are also really good at explaining things in a clear way that I understand. I have to admit, when I work through a bunch of practice questions in tutoring and finally have that \"aha!\" moment of

understanding a difficult concept, it feels amazing! That sense of satisfaction makes some of the hard work feel worthwhile. Mastering tough skills now will hopefully make things easier for me later on.

The tutoring centers are also quite competitive and motivating in a way. Since everybody there is a solid student, it pushes me to keep up and do my best. There are rewards, prizes and celebration parties when we meet certain goals or ace exams. That positive reinforcement encourages me to stay on track. For me personally, I think math and English tutoring are most helpful since those are such fundamental subjects. The reading, writing and math skills I've reinforced will definitely come in handy all through high school, university and beyond. I probably wouldn't bother with extra tutoring for subjects like history, art or music though.

Overall, while after-school tutoring can definitely be a grind and leaves me with basically zero free time, I can appreciate why it could benefit me in the long run. That said, I really wish there was more balance and room for fun activities! I feel like my childhood is being spent cramming from textbook to textbook with no freedom to just explore interests or unwind.

I know my parents love me and are invested in my future success, which is why they're so gung-ho about tutoring. But part of me also wonders if they're going a bit overboard and need to ease up a little. Am I learning effective study habits and building a solid knowledge base? Yes. Am I also becoming stressed, exhausted and losing my spark for learning fresh concepts? Unfortunately, yes to that too.

My dream world as a 13-year-old would be normal school days, a shorter or optional tutoring session 2-3 times per week tops, and plenty of free time on evenings and weekends to just be a kid and live a little! Maybe compromise and balance is the way to go. I'm all for working hard, but also really value having a childhood beyond academics. Those are my thoughts anyway! Well, thanks for reading my take on this whole after-school tutoring situation. I'd love to hear perspectives from other students, parents and teachers too. This is a pretty hot topic where I live and I'm sure experiences vary. Let me know what you think in the comments below! That's all from me, gotta go do my mountain of homework now. Later days!
