


  The jiuhua mountain in the territory of the county in the south of anhui,is one of the four famous buddhist mountains in China. Astronomers liu yuxi intang dynasty, after the jiuhua mountain, the admiration, think long and famousall can't contend with the jiuhua mountain. Li Baiceng jiuhua mountain on three.The characteristics of the jiuhua mountain is the mountain show, the buddhisttemple many.

  In the early years of the eastern (401), has built the temple hill, thenbuild, expansion, the formation of "three mile a small temple, the five to atemple," temple throughout the whole, is said to be thriving period up to morethan 300, one thousand monks four or five. Now intact 五六十座 are temples.

  Jiuhua, first of all to jiu hua street, here more than 600 meters above sealevel, is the center of jiuhua mountain, temples are mainly concentrated inhere, therefore is called "lotus buddhist". Here is actually a mountain villagesand towns, in addition to the temple, there are shops, schools, hotels,farmhouse, visitors can stay here, and as a starting point, to visit the sightsof the mountain. Jiu hua in the street of the city temple, ancient temples,jiuhua mountain is the oldest of jin dynasty is Lord also of the jiuhua mountaintemple, the temple of the building layout according to the mountain, reflect thesuperb architectural art. Temple has a higher consisting, weighing about 20__pounds of clocks, casting, loud noise, use the hammer impact, dignifiedrealisation of the bell, echoed in the valley, often make the person has thefeeling of extraordinary to take off the vulgar. "The city production" becameone of the ten views "of" nine China.

  From jiu hua street walk far east, there is a palace built on the cliff, isthe famous "hundreds of years old palace". Saying is its plaques "qincentenarians palace, participated in ten thousand the temple" ten gold. It issaid that in the Ming wanli years, monk, too, was a 26-year-old arrived injiuhua mountain, in a solitary penance for 100 years in the cave. Three yearsafter the death, people found his body in the cave. The mountain monk thinks heis the living Buddha reincarnation, hence the body with gold. After the Mingemperor chongzhen know seal him as "bodhisattva" should be. So consecrate hissmall temple incense, temple extension, become one of the four big jungle jiuhuamountain. Visitors can see it in the flesh temple temple wearing mitral, wearinghis red robes, seated on a lotus of the monk's gold body.

  Jiu hua scene in tiantai. Tiantai peak is the jiuhua mountain, 1300 metersabove sea level. "Tiantai, the not equal to didn't come". From the rooftop injiu hua street, about 15 li mountain, after a lot of scenic spots along the way.When you are panting, reached the tiantai is top, the view, will give you abroad-minded, fatigue elimination. To look around the mountains prostrate, jiuhua street, is the size of a slap. Atop the, heaven and earth one integratedmass, the Yangtze river such as faintly visible. Cool wind sent the pines,bamboo is raging, intoxicating. The surrounding rock, strange, takes the tans.There is a "the human" three characters carved on stone. At this moment, reallymake the person were in penglai fairyland feeling. See the sunrise on the roof,it is said that the magnificent scenery as RiGuanFeng on mount tai see thesunrise. So "tiantai xiao day" is listed as one of the ten views "9".
